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Try CrossCompute SDK in JupyterLab
Try the CrossCompute Software Development Kit in JupyterLab
Try JupyterLab Real Time Collaboration
Try using JupyterLab for Real Time Collaboration without the CrossCompute SDK
Size Transformers and Conductors Given Lengths
Size transformers and conductors from service drop line lengths using customizable tables of transformer types and conductor types
Find Critical Buildings
Find critical buildings in a region
Estimate Commercial Electricity Loads
Estimate the peak demand in kilowatts, consumption in kilowatt hours and aggregate load profile of commercial buildings in a specific climate zone
Estimate Critical Electricity Loads
Estimate the aggregate load profile of critical buildings in a specific location
Determine Climate Region
Determine climate region given longitude and latitude
Estimate Wet Bulb Temperature
Estimate the wet bulb temperature based on temperature and relative humidity
Estimate Heating and Cooling Costs Using Degree Days
Estimate the heating and cooling costs for a building in a specific location over a year using the degree days algorithm
Compute Benefit Cost Ratio
Estimate whether the benefits of a project outweigh its costs
Net Operating Loss Calculator for Individuals
Compute your Net Operating Loss for a given tax year in the USA according to IRS Form 1045 Schedule A
Test fail2ban filter regular expression on server logs
Test a regular expression that you can use in your fail2ban filters using extracts of your server logs
Analyze Stocks
Estimate how a stock will perform based on its option chain
Visualize the shortest path for a weighted maze
Make Map from World Bank Data
Generate Colorful Maps to Visualize Global Data
Launch Production Tracking System
Launch Production Tracking System
Extract Audio
Extract audio from a video
Watermark Video
Protect your content and establish your brand identity by watermarking your video with a custom image
Find Places
Find places of interest in a specific location and show them on a map
Send Emails
Send emails using templates to multiple recipients
Compare Text
Compare differences between two texts using the diff algorithm
Make QR Code
Turn text into a QR code
Paint Letters by Frequency
Make a choropleth of a QWERTY keyboard, highlighting the frequency of each character in the provided text
See IP Address
Enter a URL to check its IP address or leave blank to see your own IP address
Show Flashcards
Reduce recall time by reviewing flashcards
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Subscribe to Our Monthly Newsletter
Watch Machine
Watch Machine
See Airport Traffic
See airport travel times by district
Convert Markdown to PDF
Convert markdown text into a PDF document
Merge PDFs
Merge two PDFs into one PDF
Generate Random Points Within Region
Generate Random Points Within Region